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Dr. Matthew Tennant

Listen to God’s Voice

Updated: Jul 23

At this time each year, we elect a slate of new deacons to serve the congregation. This is an opportunity to listen for God’s voice and express what you hear. You can pray and reflect on who God might be calling to serve as a spiritual leader at UBC for the next three years.


According to our church bylaws:

Deacons are elected and ordained to be the lay ministerial leaders of the congregation. The Active Deacons will be the group with primary responsibility for areas of lay ministry, including ministries to the congregation, evangelism, outreach, discipleship, denominational relations and matters of faith. Together with the Staff Ministers and the Church Council, the Active Deacons will establish the general direction and focus of the church’s life and work. The Active Deacons will be primarily concerned that the congregation be spiritually healthy and that the church fulfill its mission according to its understanding of the will of God.


Being a deacon is exciting because you are set apart to be a spiritual leader of the church. It means listening for God’s direction, working with me and the other minister(s) and leaders, asking questions, and offering ideas and suggestions. According to 1 Timothy 3.8-10, “Deacons must be reverent, not double-tongued, addicted to wine, nor greedy for money. They must hold the mystery of faith in a pure conscience. Let them first be tested and serve if they are blameless.” In 1 Timothy 3.11-12, we find the verses some choose to read literally (why these? I don’t know), and they use them to support notions of male leadership. However, the verses are really about having your act together and being part of a healthy home life. The summery of qualifications ends with an endorsement in 1 Timothy 3.13, “If you do this with great boldness in the faith that is in Christ Jesus, people will respect it.”


Who should serve? According to our bylaws, “All active church members who are at least 18 years of age and living in the central Virginia area are eligible for election except those who have served as Deacon within the current organizational year and those who have been designated Deacon Emeritus.”


Yet, God’s calling is about more than ticking boxes on a checklist. The mission of the deaconate is UBC’s spiritual health, so deacons ought to be people who show up. They don’t necessarily have to be at the church every time the doors are open, nor should they be strangers. Worship is central to who we are. It’s one of the main reasons we exist and what differentiates us from social clubs. People who don’t attend worship or regular Bible study can recuse themselves. Likewise, if one is unsure if they feel called to serve or has any doubts about whether or not God is calling them, they can recuse themselves by notifying Linda.


Likewise, when you receive your ballot, pray about it. Consider who you see at church and who is already a spiritual leader. Then, mark those names. They don’t have to be old or experienced (e.g. 1 Timothy 4.12, “Let no one despise your youth.”). Vote as God leads you. Let the Spirit lead the deacon election.


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